Blog Archive

Wednesday 28 March 2012

M4S @ UQ – Fifth and FINAL Edition

Hey M4Sers!

Sadly it’s the final week of M4S campaigning here at UQ, but we’re certainly going out with a bang! Monday afternoon saw the attaching of endless brochure holders around campus to make sure that people can find-out about magazines4students and subscribe, even when Chrissy and I are no longer around giving out folders at lunch. It was awesome to see heaps of empty brochure holders that needed refilling as we went around!!! We also completed some eye-catching whiteboarding and incorporated brochure holders into our whiteboarding creations.

Due to the first sunny and clear Wednesday UQ has seen in what feels like forever, Chrissy was finally able to debut a beautiful brochure dress to roam around in! It definitely caught the attention of many UQ students and who were keen to get their hands on a nifty M4S folder and even a little Easter treat! Wednesday also saw the distribution of our M4S folders and Easter eggs in strategic locations around campus to be used in a Easter egg/M4S folder hunt. These folders had post-it notes on them saying “Please take me! Easter Egg inside J” and proved to be extremely popular, with people taking them even before we had even finished arranging them in their strategic locations (as illustrated below)!

Whilst Chrissy and I were roaming around we even had a girl come up to us and ask if we were the “magazine people at UQ”. She said that she had seen the advertisements around campus and wanted to find out how she could start subscribing! A definite highlight from this week!

We’ll still be popping up some brochure holders around campus next week, but as this is our last week of official campaigning we just wanted to wish all the M4S teams that are still going all the best for the remainder of their campaigns! We also have to send a huge thank you to Un-Ai for helping us whenever we needed her and being an amazing campaign manager!

- Mylyn and Chrissy

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