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Friday 30 March 2012

M4S Week 5 UTAS

Well, this was the final week for the M4S campaign in Hobart. It's been a challenging week, which has resulted in a few people getting grumpy about my postering/brochures (as there has been a big build up of them now around campus) but I've persevered. 

For the brochure holders, I've been focusing on high foot traffic areas, so alot around the centre of the Uni Campus, which is the main Arts Campus. As I'm not allowed to actually hand any content out to any person (thanks UTAS silly rules!!), i've attempted to get as many brochures up as I can, and trying to make large-ish statements with the amount of brochures I can put up together.

A great thing which I've seen in week 5 is the amount of re-fills I've had to do for brochure holders I've put up in previous weeks! I found plenty which were empty or very close to being empty! And also ALOT of the Economist poster tabs have been removed fully.

The M4S Campaign has been a wonderful experience and has really challenged the independent worker inside of me (working without a team has been difficult I must say!) Un-Ai has been an AMAZING manager and mentor, helping me get through the many hurdles the Union and Uni have thrown at me. I'm very proud to walk around my campus & see all the work I've been putting in through the last 5 weeks. I hope everyones campaigns have been a great success.

Hayley - UTAS. :)

p.s i tried to make my boyfriend smile in the photo above but he just wouldn't haha!

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