Blog Archive

Saturday 7 April 2012

UNSW LAST WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!

With this being the last week, we decided to swagger it up at unsw and finish with a bang!

Make dresses out of posters? please. WE HAVE THE TIME WARRIOR. In a quick 20 minutes I was able to create a beautiful set of armor for my partner Lael, complete with SWORD and SHIELD. I said it last week and I shall say it again...




hahaha you all love me ;D we definitely gained ALOT of attention with the time warrior strutting around his stuff...LOTS of questions and was awesome hahahha 

20 minutes after walking around uni in time warrior outfit -
Lael: I actually look like a tool wearing this...

Anyways, this week again involved a lot of walk up, handing brochures on the main walkway and giving out some free folders to those who were willing to take pictures with us. Brochures once again flew out out the door since Lael and I worked our awesome smiles on UNSW students and staff (haha)...

Now, for the secret surprise...we have cropped up another issue. We were filming in the blockhouse and the Head guy said that we couldn't use it for marketing since we didn't pay for the room hire...*sigh* and booked it under the dance society's name...

ALSO, we're actually not allowed to wear the M4S shirts AT ALL ON CAMPUS! =O 

so as a result, in order for the dance society not to get absolutely owned due to legal issues (and not to mention SMA as well), we have to pull out anything to do with M4S in the video (meaning the whole point of the video is now lost...) but since we don't want all that effort to go to waste...I shall be editing and making it anyway...but just as a normal video. :)

at least you all get to see our effort! :D

have an awesome Easter break everyone! ^^

--Lael and Maybelle out --------- for the very last time.

Sunday 1 April 2012

Second Last Week at Sydney Uni!

Sydney uni is getting busy with students all over libraries, coffee carts and classes! This week we focused on getting the word out there for Time Magazine - posters, fliers, talking to students -the works.

We met up on Tuesday afternoon to hand out our giveaways and boy, do people love free stuff! Our giveaways ran out quickly but we did have lots of questions coming our way from students which was great to see, and we managed to hand out a few brochures in the process.

On thursday, we got artsy and got spray cans out to graffiti all over the grafitti tunnel! Yes, our Uni has an awesome graffiti tunnel which anyone can do graffiti in. It was lots of fun and during our art and craft session, we had some people passing by who actually stopped to read what we were spraying: "Upto 70% off Magazines! Visit". We are going back for some more graffiti action next week!

Our last week will focus on the leftover brochure holders, a few more lecture bashes, and some face-to-face promotion!

Friday 30 March 2012

2nd last wk at UNSW!

Well it seems that we have come ALMOST to an end with our work at the greatest Australian university to ever exist to continue until the end of week 6!

As a result...we have found an accomplice to come help out with our last ditch effort for the tough UNSW campaign! It has definitely been a hard few weeks with our posters being taken down or postered right over within 15 minutes each week...but despite all this....the UNSW team will not fall back! RAWR! Retreat is not an option!




Okay I've had my fun..anwyayyysss...

This week was another week of refilling brochure holders and doing some fierce competing with Equal Marriage Rights, Marxism and Kony *sigh* but we got through in the end! We have devised that politely knocking, entering study rooms and then putting a pile of brochures on tables is a seriously awesome way of being subtle AND being effective! We had some hardcore fun with the chalk (except it runs out so quick *sadface*) and handing out brochures in high traffic areas was interesting! NOTE: If you are an asian as you hand out brochures and target guys as you flash a ridiculous colgate-ad-worthy smile. If you are a teddy bear like boy...use your humour and target giggly girls. Just ask Lael and I.

anywhos...the highlight would have to be getting ready for our guys will see it soon hehe ;D

love love,

-Maybelle and Lael.


Hey Everyone,

Lauren and I have just wrapped up our final week of promoting Magazines4Students at Latrobe Bundoora, it’s been a long few weeks with our best efforts to promote Magazines4Students to both Students and Staff.

With no posters left we focused on stocking up the broucher holders and filling up every space with them so that the legacy will continue at LaTrobe. We had so many boxes left (as we got extras ) and Lauren seemed very optimistic in the amount we could distribute, and I thought she was joking when she said we had used the hundreds we had been carrying around, but somehow we got through them quite easily. It helped a lot to have a trolley as we have a HUGE campus, and it made us much more efficient getting around the uni. Thank you to Lauren for supplying that throughout the campaign.

As we went around the uni, we also wrote on every white board in empty classrooms (we’ve done these in the corner so hopefully they wont get in the way of the lecturer so they wont need to rub it off and that the promotion will stay around for longer).

We also did some great chalking, Lauren was excellent. The colours looked very striking and unfortunately the camera did not capture how bold and eye catching they were. It was also great to hear people reading the chalking out a loud as they walked past, so we know it captured their attention.

We were very excited to see how popular the Bloomberg posters have been, and this gave us evidence of which areas and faculty to target. We have been focusing on the business and financial studies throughout the campaign and this week expanded to general peer-to-peer marketing and handed out the display folders. This is a great way to continue on the promotion as people use them, as I still see Vodafone pencil cases around from Student Marketings campaign last year and hopefully our display folders will do the same.

We promoted Magazines4Students outside the library as this gave us a great opportunity to sense people that were willing to be approached, and we had people approaching us to (which is great since we haven’t been able to book a stall due to the expensive fees involved)! People were very interested in grabbing a display folder and we had several questions about how to register J

It also been great to see that our white boarding in the library has stayed (its the only thing on the white boards in the library, so stands out!), so hopefully when we greeted students on their way into the library, they then saw the whiteboarding inside. Its also been a great way to target students that are more likely to be interested in subscribing.

Hopefully heaps of people sign up and make the most of the savings

Thanks to Un-Ai for helping us through all our challenges that have arisen.

Trikkelle & Lauren

The Finishing Touches at RMIT!!

This Week at RMIT, Nelia and Kirby went crazy with roaming, putting up posters, handing out brochures and folders, complete with free lollies to entice people :) and filling up previously placed brochure holders!

With extra material from another university, we had a lot of material to get rid of so stepped it up to another level and found new and innovative things to do!

We ventured to buildings we'd never even been to before and took over their noticeboards!

We used lollies when roaming to entice people and setup a table over Friday lunchtime in the busy Cafeteria to promote M4S!!

We had a lot of interest in the brochures especially accompanied with the lollies and even had some people comment that they'd seen this stuff everywhere and already had brochures at home which was really positive! :)

Filling up brochure holders and returning to see poster tabs ripped was also really encouraging!!

We have had a lot of fun with this campaign and definitely it was a great experience for us!
All the best to you and happy studying and hopefully reading magazines!! :)

The NOT SO Grand Finale ;)

So this week Michelle & I went nuts with the brochure holders.
No I'm not kidding...
we stuck them everywhere!

However, unfortunately other societies have zero poster ettiquette and postered over us straight after... LAME :(
So we did brochure rounds on Thursday and Friday.

No lecture announcements because we both had lectures/ class on during the appropriate lectures :(

And today we did our lolly rounds again!

But it was a great way to end the week and the campaign. A bit of a quiet one after the Glee Flashmob! We're still working out how to show that to all of you the file is a bit big! But it was a great experience :D

Signing out for the semester...
Sel & Michelle :)

M4S Week 5 UTAS

Well, this was the final week for the M4S campaign in Hobart. It's been a challenging week, which has resulted in a few people getting grumpy about my postering/brochures (as there has been a big build up of them now around campus) but I've persevered. 

For the brochure holders, I've been focusing on high foot traffic areas, so alot around the centre of the Uni Campus, which is the main Arts Campus. As I'm not allowed to actually hand any content out to any person (thanks UTAS silly rules!!), i've attempted to get as many brochures up as I can, and trying to make large-ish statements with the amount of brochures I can put up together.

A great thing which I've seen in week 5 is the amount of re-fills I've had to do for brochure holders I've put up in previous weeks! I found plenty which were empty or very close to being empty! And also ALOT of the Economist poster tabs have been removed fully.

The M4S Campaign has been a wonderful experience and has really challenged the independent worker inside of me (working without a team has been difficult I must say!) Un-Ai has been an AMAZING manager and mentor, helping me get through the many hurdles the Union and Uni have thrown at me. I'm very proud to walk around my campus & see all the work I've been putting in through the last 5 weeks. I hope everyones campaigns have been a great success.

Hayley - UTAS. :)

p.s i tried to make my boyfriend smile in the photo above but he just wouldn't haha!